About The Classic Car Club of America Educational Foundation
Explore the Virtual Library of
the CCCA Educational Foundation
The Foundation is building a Virtual Library to provide operational, maintenance, and restoration resources for all marque identified as a Full Classic® by the CCCA. This is a monumental project that is ongoing. As we continue to amass information you are invited you to contribute to the Virtual Library as well as use the archive of materials we have already received. New materials are added as they become available and your contribution of literature or donations makes this effort possible.
Share The Passion
The passion for distinctive “Classic Era” cars drove the founding of the Classic Car Club of America (CCCA). Along with the thrill of driving and owning the greatest coach-built automobiles ever built – learning and keeping the history of the Full Classic® alive fuel that passion. It is with this inspiration that the Classic Car Club of America Educational Foundation was conceived.
We are very excited to launch the Classic Car Club of America Educational Foundation. The foundation will seek donations, gifts and grants to build an endowment to fund education and marketing programs to build awareness of the “Classic Era” of automobiles for the future. The foundation board needs your help to fulfill its mission.
The foundation has identified the following near term goals: Mission & Purpose.
Preserving The Legacy
The Classic Car Club of America Education Foundation exists to preserve and promote the heritage of the Full Classic® automobile and it can only fulfill its educational mission with your philanthropic help.
Through this foundation, we propose an endowment fund with opportunities for named gifts within the fund in order that donors may be recognized for many years to come.
You can help create a meaningful legacy while ensuring your own financial security through charitable gift planning. Your planned gift to the Classic Car Club of America Educational Foundation will have a lasting impact on the study, research and sharing of information – all focused on the Full Classic® automobiles spanning the time period of 1915 - 1948.
There are many types of charitable gift opportunities you can explore on the Types of Gifts page, just click here.
To learn more about how a planned donation would benefit both you and the CCCA Educational Foundation, please contact our Office in Richfield, Ohio: You can
call us at 234-400-0400 or send a message here. Please know our office is staffed by volunteers and our response time may be slow. If you need immediate assistance you may contact Jim Cowin on his personal cellphone 740-680-2370.

Plan to attend the Horsing Around in Amish Country CARavan on Sunday, May 4 Thru May 11, 2025. Learn More
We endeavor to promote educational efforts pertaining to the study, research and dissemination of information related to Full Classic® automobiles for the public at large and to otherwise preserve and advance the legacy of these extraordinary automobiles through publications and programming for the enduring benefit of future generations.
To learn more about our Foundation's
Purpose & Mission, click here.