The Virtual Library of Classic Car Knowledge
The information gathered in the Explore Section allows you to delve into both the beauty and the technical knowledge currently available to learn more about what is defined as Approved Full Classic Cars® by the Classic Car Club of America.
The passion for distinctive “Classic Era” cars drove the founding of the Classic Car Club of America (CCCA). Along with the thrill of driving and owning the greatest coach-built automobiles ever built – learning and keeping the history of the Full Classic® alive fuel that passion. It is with this inspiration that the Classic Car Club of America Educational Foundation was conceived.
We are very excited to launch the Classic Car Club of America Educational Foundation's Virtual Library, a collection of technical information and photos of the Full Classic® cars. The foundation is built on donations, gifts and grants to grow an endowment to fund education and marketing programs to build awareness of the “Classic Era” of automobiles for the future.
The technical information and the photography that can be found on following pages is but one example of our work in progress, to fulfill our mission to share knowledge about these Great coach-built automobiles. We invite you to Explore The Full Classic® cars listed below.
If you would like to share photographs of your Full Classic® or have literature we can post for everyone to enjoy, please contact the foundation to learn how you can be part of the Classic Car Club of America Educational Foundation's collection. Click Here to Contact Us
Classic Car Club of America Approved Classic Automobiles
All Approved CCCA Full Classics® 1915-1948 UPDATED January 3, 2024
Only certain models of the following vehicles built during 1915 through 1948 are recognized as CCCA Classics. Be sure to check on the list of recognized cars to see if all models of a particular marque are accepted as Full Classic cars. Marques with Informational available are in Red and link to Information Material and Technical Material. Those with an Asterisk (*) indicates the marque information also includes a Photo Gallery. Please Note: New materials are posted as they become available to the Educational Foundation.
Adler -1928-1934 Standa, d 8
Alfa Romeo* - All
Alvis - Speed 20, 3 112 l re, Speed 25 and 4.3 litre
Amilcar -Application Considered
Apperson - 1925-1926 Straightaway Eight,
All 8 cylinders, 1916-1919
Armstrong-Siddeley- 1924-1933 Model 30; 1933-1939 Special
Aston-Martin -1927-1939 All
Auburn* – All 8- and 12-cylinder
Austro-Daimler – All
Ballot - 2LS, 2LT. 2LTS, RH, RH2 and RH3
Bentley -1919-1948 All
Benz -1921-1926, 10/30, 11/40, 16/50, 16/50 Sport
Biddle - 1915-1922 All
Blackhawk -All
B.M.W. - 327,328, 327/8 and 335
Brewster - 1915-1925 All; 1934-1936 All Brough Superior- 1934-1939 All
Brough Superior - 1934-1939 All
Bucciali - TAV 8, TAV 30, TAV 12 and Double Huit
Bugatti* -All except types 52 and 68
Buick*-1930 Series 60; 1931-1942 Series 90; 1931-1933 and 1936-1939 Series 80;
1940 Series 80 Limited; 1940-41 Buick Roadmaster 70 Series
Cadillac* - 1915-1947 All; 1948 - Series 75 Chadwick - 1915-1916 All
Chrysler* - 1926-1932 Imperial and Series 80, Includes Series CG, CL; 1932-1939 Custom Imperial Series - CL, CX, DN, C-3, C-TI, C-15, C-20, C-24; 1934-1937 Airflow Imperial Eight models CV, CZ, C10,C17; 1940-1948 Crown Imperial - Includes Series C-27, C-30N, C-33, C-37, C-40; Newports and Thunderbolts
1941-1948 Town & Country
Cole* - 1916-1925 All 8-cylinder
Corinthian - 1922-1923 All
Cunningham -1916 All, V Series 1916-1929
Dagmar - 1922-1926, 6-70 and Series 6-80
Daimler - 1925-1934 6-8·12-cylinder, 3-112 Litre and larger
Daniels - 1916-1924 All 8 Cy1; 1920-1926 Model D
Darracq - See Talbot
Delage - 1919-1948 -All D-6; 1924-1926 GL and GLS Models; Model D-6; Model D-8
Delahaye - Series 135, 145, 148, 165
Delaunay Belleville - All 6-cylinder
Doble - All
Dorris - All
Duesenberg - All
du Pont - 1919-1931 All
Elcar -1925-1933, 8-130, 8-81, 8-90, 8-91, 8-92. 120,130 and 140
Excelsior -1919-1926 Adex Models; 1925-1932 Albert 1 (Premier Models)
Farman - 1925-1931 All
Fiat - 1923-1927 Model 519; 1928-1931 Model 525; 1938-1940 Model 2800, No Military Vehicles
Fox - 1921-1923 Al
Franklin - Pre-1925 please apply;
1915-1934 except Olympic
Gardner - 1925-1926 Line 8; 1925-1926 Model 8A; 1926-1927 Model 8B; 1927 Model 890; Model 90; 1928 Models 8-85, 8-90; Model 130; 1928-1929 Models 85, 95; 1929 Models 125,135; 1930 Models 145,150; 1930-1931 Model 150; 1931 Models 148-158 Includes Series C-27, C-30N, C-33, C-37, C-40; Newports and Thunderbolts; 1941-1948 Town & Country
Georges lrat - 1922-1929 2 Litre & 3 Litre;
1930 1934 Lycoming 6- and 8 cylinder, No Military Vehicles
Graham-Paige/Graham - 1928-1929 Series 835,837; 1930 Series 837; All Custom 8; 1931 All Custom 8; Series 834
HAL -1916-1918 All
Haynes - 1916-1923 All V-12 Models 1922
All 6 Cyl Model 75; 1923 Models 75 and 77 HCS- 1920-1924 All
HCS - All 1920 -1924
Heine-Velox - 1921-1922 All
Hispano-Suiza - 1919; H6; All French models; Spanish models T56, T49, T56BIS, T64
Horch - All
Hotchkiss -1929 -1940 All 3 & 3-1/2 Litre, AM80, AM80S, 620, 680,686 Paris-Nice, 686 Grand Sport
Hudson - 1929 - Series L, 1931 Greater 8 Series T Boattail Humber-1930 Pullman Model 6
Humber - 1930 Pullman Model 6
Hupmobile -1930 - 1932, Series Hand H-255, U and U237
lnvicta - All through 1938
lsotta-Fraschini - All from 1919 except Tipo 8C Monterosa
ltala - All
Jaguar - 1946-1948 - 2-1/2 litre, 3-112 litre (Mark IV)
Jensen - 1936-1939 All, except 21/4 Litre
Jordan -1929-1931 Models G, 90, Great Line 90, and Speed Way Series Z
Julian - All
Kissel* -1915-1924 6- and 12-cylinder; 1923-1928 6-55; 1925-1927
8-75; 1928 8-90 and 8-90 White Eagle; 1929-1930 8-95
Kleiber - 1926 Model 212; 1927 Model 178; 1928 Model 133; 1929 Model 37
Lafayette - 1921-1924 All
Lagonda - All through 1940 Two Post-War V-12 (except 1934-1940 Rapier)
Lanchester 1919 1931 Models 21, 23, 30 and 40 Lancia - 1928-1939 Dilambda and Astura LaSalle - 1927-1940 All
Leach - 1920-1923 All Leyland-1920-1923AII
Lancia - 1928-1939 Dilambda and Astura
LaSalle - 1927-1940 All
Leach - 1920-1923 All
Leyland - 1920-1923 All
Lincoln* - 1920-1940 AII models L, KA, KB, and K, 1941168 H; 1942268 H
Lincoln Continental - 1939-1948 All
Locomobile - 1915-1924; All includes left hand drive models 48 and all model 90; 1927- 1929 Model 8-80; 1929 Model 8-88
Lozier - 1915·1916 All
Marmon - All Models 41, 48, and 34; 1915-1924; All 12- &
16-cylinder, 1925-1926 D-74, 1927 E-75, 1928 75, 7930 Big 8, 1931 88 and Big 8
Maserati -Application Considered
Maybach - AII
McFarlan - 1915-1924, All, TV6 and 8
Mercedes - All
Mercedes-Benz* - All 230 and up, K, S, SS, SSK, SSKL, Grosser and Mannheim
Mercer - All
M.G. - 1935-1939 SA, 1938-1939 WA
Miller -1928 & 1932
Minerva - All except 4-cylinder
Nash - 1930 Series 480,490; 1931 Series 880,890; 1932 Series 980, 990 and Series 1080, 1090; 1933 Series 1180, 1190; 1934 Series 1280, 1290; 1940 S-Okhnoffoky Special Cabriolet
National - 1915-1924 All except 1923 1924 Models 4 H. 6 31 and 6 51
Owen Magnetic - 1915-1921 All
Packard* - All 1915-1922 6 and 12 cylinder models, except model 116; All 6, 8 and 12 cylinder 1923·1934; All 12cylinder
1935 through 1939; 1935 and 1936: all 1200-1205 models, 1936 all 1400-1405 models, 1937 all 1500 - 1502 models, 1938 all 1603·1605 models, 1939 all 1703-1705 models; 1940: all 1803-1808 models; 1941: all 1903-1908 models, plus 160 and 180 Clippers; 1942: all 2003-2008 models, plus 160 and 180 Clippers; 1946-1947: all 2103, 2106,2126 models; All Darrin Bodied, other custom bodies please apply
Paige - 1916-1927 All 6-55, 6-66
Pathfinder - 1916-1917 All
Peerless - 1925 Series 67; 1926-1928 Series 69; 1929 Series 8-125; 1930-1931 Custom 8; 1932 Deluxe Custom 8
Pierce-Arrow* - 1915·1938 All
Railton* - 1937 8 cylinder, Fairmile ll, 3 position DH Coupe
Renault - 1927-1928 45 HP (40CV}, 40 hp (41CV) Reinastella, Reinasport, 1929-1934, 8-cylinder Nervahuit, Nervastella, Nervasport (Suprastella)
Reo - 1931-1934, Royale 8-cylinder
ReVere - 1918-1926 All Richelieu -1922-1923 Richelieu – 1922-1923 All
All Roamer - 1916-1929 All
Rochester-Duesenberg - 4-cylinder: All 1925 6-54E; 1925-1929 8-88; 1929-19318-125
Rohr - 1928-1935 R, RA, F and FK
Rolls-Royce - 1915-1948 All
Ruxton - All
Squire - All
S.S. and SS Jaguar* - 1932-1940 S.S. 1, S.S. 90, SS Jaguar and SS Jaguar 100
Simplex (and those also known as Simplex-Crane) - 1915-1924 All
Stearns Knight - 1919-1922 All 4-cylinder; 1915-1924 All 6 and 8-cylinder; 1925-1929-All
Stevens Duryea - 1915-1927 All
Steyr - 1923-1929 Type VI Sport, VI Klausen, SS Klausen and Austria
Studebaker - 1928 8-cylinder President;
1929-1933 President except Model 82;
1934 President
Sunbeam - 8-cylinder and 3 litre twin cam
Talbot - 1930-1935:(GB) 105 and 110; (F), Darracq (GB), Talbot-Lago (F) - 8-cylinder 1936-1939; 4-litre 6-Cyl; 1946-1948 4-1/2 litre
Tatra - 1927-1948 Models T70, T70A, TSO, T77, T77A and 187 with prewar styling
Templar - 1915-1924 All
Triumph - Dolomite 8 and Gloria 6
Vauxhall - 25-70 and 30-98
Velie - 1928 Model 8-88
Voisin -All
Wasp - 1919-1924 All
White -1915-1918 AII
Wills Sainte Claire - All
Willys-Knight - Series 66, 66A, 66B; Custom bodied only (Considered by application)
Winton -1915-1924 All
More Information:
​Divers By Beverley Kimes
Babinsky Mechanical Resources