Your personal support for the Classic Car Club of America Education Foundation
Please join your friends and supporters of the CCCA Education Foundation in making a generous gift for the purpose of preserving the legacy of the Classic Era and Full Classic® Automobiles that we may share this rich history of the Classic Era with the general public.
Contributions for the CCCA Education Foundation are welcome as a one-time gift, a pledge payable over five years, appreciated securities or as part of your estate planning. The gifts can be made in your name, in commemoration of someone that you’d like to honor or as a memorial to a loved one or friend. Appropriate recognition of your gift will be made on this website and the Annual Report. Many special naming opportunities are available or one that particularly appeals to you can be created.
Pledge Now
The CCCA Education Foundation is organized as a not-for-profit Illinois corporation and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public, tax-exempt foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contributions to the Foundation should be tax-deductible from your federal income tax.
We endeavor to promote educational efforts pertaining to the study, research and dissemination of information related to Full Classic® automobiles for the public at large and to otherwise preserve and advance the legacy of these extraordinary automobiles through publications and programming for the enduring benefit of future generations.
To learn more about our Foundation's
Purpose & Mission, click here.